CESMON, Civil Engineering Structure MONitoring, is a software solution that allows you to ensure an effective monitoring of your civil engineering structures.

Centralize your data

With CESMON, all monitoring data is archived and accessible at all times.

After an acquisition phase, processing and archiving, the monitoring data can be compiled, compared and analysed.

The interpretation of the results allows to understand the evolution of a structure and highlights behaviours that are not in conformity with expectations. CESMON provides an overview of the data needed for these interpretations and offers analysis tools.

Its application is particularly interesting for large sensitive structures such as dams, bridges and tunnels.

User-friendly and accessible
CESMON is a multi-user and multilingual software. It allows the configuration of the monitoring system and the analysis of information in the form of graphs or tables defined and managed by users.
Reliable for measurements acquisition

Carry out the acquisition of measurements automatically or using an industrial handheld terminal. The information is processed at source and its consistency can be checked immediately to avoid input mistakes.

Operational safety

CESMON archives all changes (configuration and values), so there is no risk of data loss. Its client/server architecture and secure access control make it one of the most secure software on the market.